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影视英语|公主日记 上集-23

发布于:2024-10-18 作者:jason 阅读:239

1101HELEN/ A week ago,Mia was a normal little kid.1102She has never been normaI.She was born royaI.1103And we cope with the pressevery singIe day...1104and we wiII do it again.1105You don't have to do this.1106You can get out ofthis whoIe thing right now.1107Your mother is right,AmeIia.1108We had a bargain.1109人工智能I right.I wiII think about it...1110and Iet you know soon.1111CLARlSSE/ Good.A diplomatic answer.1112PoIite, but vague.1113Mia ThermopoIisis the daughter...1114of IocaI ecIectic artistHeIen ThermopoIis.1115They currently live ina refurbished firehouse...1116south of Market Street.1117Mia is also the only grandchildof Queen Clarisse Renaldi...1118whose husband, King Rupert,passed away last year.1119This isNelson Davenport, KRLH.1120[SchooI beII rings]1121WOMAN ON P.A./Will the Feng Shui Club...1122please sTOP rearrangingthe tables on the lawn?1123LILL Y:HeIIo? Princess?1124You're the most popuIargirI in schooI.1125Everybody wants to takeyour picture.1126Everybody wantsto be your best friend.1127-Hi, LiIIy.-Hi.1128LlLL Y/ So I've made a list...1129of aII the reasons for younot to be a princess.1130Number one--no privacy.1131Number two--you aIways haveto Iook just right.1132-Number three---Whoo!1133MlA/ Ha ha ha!1134LIL Y: Are you OK?1135MIA: Ha ha! Number three.What was number three?1136Number three--you can't go nutso.1137You can't be aII ''BIeah''during the day.1138LiIIy, um...1139I reaIIy don't wantto taIk about this...1140at the moment, OK?1141Just one Iast question.1142Now that you're ''out''...1143wouId you come on my cabIe showon Saturday night?1144Yeah, sure.1145I Iove you!1146I'II buy you another charmfor your charm braceIet.1147OK? Ooh!1148See you Saturday night!1149Joe!1150Yes, Miss Mia?

影视英语|公主日记 上集-23



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标签: #You #39 #Number #right #three


